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Gmail Account Transfer

Can I Transfer all my Data from One Google Account to Another Google Account?

Migrating data like bookmarks and other content from one Gmail account to another involves several steps, as different types of data require different processes:


  • Contacts: You need to export your contacts from the old Gmail account, and then import them into the new one.
    • In your old Gmail account, go to Google Contacts.
    • Click “Export,” select the contacts you want to export (likely “All contacts”), and choose the “Google CSV” format.
    • Download the file, then sign into your new Gmail account.
    • Go to Google Contacts, click “Import,” and upload the CSV file you just downloaded.

Google Drive Files

  • Google Drive Files: You can share your files with your new account.
    • From your old Gmail account, open Google Drive.
    • Select the files or folders you want to move, then click the “Share” icon.
    • Enter your new Gmail address, then switch to your new account.
    • Open Google Drive, go to “Shared with me,” right-click on the shared files or folders, and choose “Add to My Drive.”


  • Bookmarks: If you’ve synced your bookmarks with Google Chrome, you can re-sync them to your new account.
    • In the Chrome browser signed into your old account, click on your profile picture in the top-right corner, then click “Sync” or “Turn on sync.”
    • This will sync your bookmarks with your old Gmail account.
    • Sign out of Chrome, then sign in with your new Gmail account.
    • Click on your profile picture again and turn on sync to associate your bookmarks with your new Gmail account.

Google Calendar

  • Google Calendar: Export your calendar from your old account and import it into your new account.
    • In your old Gmail account, go to Google Calendar.
    • Click on the gear icon for “Settings,” then choose “Import & export.”
    • Click “Export” to create a zip file containing your calendar data, then download the file.
    • In your new Gmail account, go to Google Calendar.
    • Click on the gear icon, choose “Import & export,” then click “Import.”
    • Upload the zip file you just downloaded.

Google Photos

  • Google Photos: Download your photos from your old account and upload them to your new account.
    • In your old Gmail account, go to Google Photos.
    • Select your photos, then click “More options” (three vertical dots), and choose “Download.”
    • Sign into your new Gmail account, go to Google Photos, then click “Upload.”
    • Select the photos you just downloaded to upload them.

Note: Some data, such as purchases made on Google Play or YouTube history, may not be transferable between accounts. Always ensure you have appropriate backup and security measures in place during data transfer to prevent data loss.

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