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Network drives

Network Drive Keeps Disconnecting in Windows 10 or 11 Fix

Mapped drives in Windows can get disconnected for various reasons, and troubleshooting these disconnections involves identifying and addressing the underlying causes. Here’s a precise and detailed step-by-step troubleshooting guide to fix network drive disconnecting issues in Windows 10 or 11:

Step 1: Check Network Connectivity

  • Ensure your computer is connected to the network. Check for physical cable connections, Wi-Fi status, or any network issues that may be causing disruptions.

Step 2: Check Server Availability

  • Verify that the server hosting the network drive is online and accessible. Ping the server’s IP address or hostname to check its availability.

Step 3: Reconnect the Drive Manually

  • Sometimes, Windows might fail to reconnect the drive automatically. To manually reconnect: a. Open File Explorer. b. Click “This PC” or “My Computer.” c. Under the “Network locations” section, right-click the disconnected drive and select “Reconnect.”

Step 4: Adjust Power Settings

  • Network drives can disconnect if your computer’s power settings are set to turn off the network adapter to save power. To adjust this: a. Go to “Control Panel” > “Power Options.” b. Click on “Change plan settings” for your current power plan. c. Click “Change advanced power settings.” d. Expand “Network adapter settings” and set “Sleep” or “Hibernate” to “Never.”

Step 5: Disable Remote Differential Compression

  • Sometimes, the Remote Differential Compression feature can cause network drive issues. To disable it: a. Open “Control Panel.” b. Go to “Programs” > “Turn Windows features on or off.” c. Uncheck “Remote Differential Compression” and click “OK.”

Step 6: Adjust Network Discovery Settings

  • Ensure that Network Discovery is enabled: a. Open “Control Panel.” b. Go to “Network and Sharing Center.” c. Click on “Change advanced sharing settings.” d. Turn on “Network discovery” and “File and printer sharing.”

Step 7: Adjust Idle Time Disconnect

  • Network drives can disconnect after a certain idle time. To adjust this setting: a. Open an elevated Command Prompt (right-click and select “Run as administrator”). b. Type net config server /autodisconnect:-1 and press Enter. This disables the idle timeout.

Step 8: Check for Updates

  • Ensure that your Windows system and network drivers are up to date. Install any pending Windows updates and update your network adapter drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

Step 9: Reset TCP/IP Stack

  • Sometimes, network stack corruption can cause drive disconnects. To reset the TCP/IP stack: a. Open an elevated Command Prompt. b. Type netsh int ip reset and press Enter. c. Restart your computer.

Step 10: Disable Firewall or Security Software

  • Temporarily disable any third-party firewall or security software to check if they are causing the disconnects.

Step 11: Check Event Viewer

  • Check Windows Event Viewer for any network-related errors or warnings that may provide insights into the issue.

Step 12: Re-create Mapped Drives

  • If the issue persists, try removing and re-creating the mapped drive: a. Disconnect the problematic drive. b. Reboot your computer. c. Map the drive again using the “Map network drive” option in File Explorer.

Step 13: Consult IT Support

  • If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consult your organization’s IT support team or your network administrator for further assistance. There may be network infrastructure issues beyond your control.

Remember to restart your computer after making changes or applying fixes to ensure they take effect. Additionally, document any error messages or specific circumstances surrounding the disconnects, as this information can be helpful when seeking support.

Network Drive Keeps Disconnecting in Windows 10 or 11 Fix

Mapped Drive Disconnection Fix Using Windows Registries

Modifying Windows Registry settings should be approached with caution, as incorrect changes can potentially harm your system. Always back up your registry or create a system restore point before making any modifications. Here’s how to troubleshoot network drive disconnecting issues in Windows 10 or 11 using the Registry Editor:

Step 1: Backup the Registry

  1. Type “regedit” in the Windows search bar and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  2. Before making any changes, click on “File” in the top-left corner and select “Export.”
  3. Choose a location to save the backup, give it a descriptive name, and select “Save.”

Step 2: Adjust the KeepConn Value

  1. Navigate to the following Registry key:sqlCopy codeHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanworkstation\parameters
  2. In the right pane, right-click on an empty space and select “New” > “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
  3. Name it “KeepConn” (without quotes).
  4. Double-click “KeepConn” to edit its value.
  5. Set the “Value data” to the number of seconds you want to keep the connection alive (e.g., 600 for 10 minutes).
  6. Click “OK.”

Step 3: Adjust the Dword Size Value

  1. In the same “lanmanworkstation\parameters” key, right-click on an empty space in the right pane and select “New” > “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
  2. Name it “Size” (without quotes).
  3. Double-click “Size” to edit its value.
  4. Set the “Value data” to a larger number (e.g., 3).
  5. Click “OK.”

Step 4: Adjust the Dword MaxCmds Value

  1. In the same “lanmanworkstation\parameters” key, right-click on an empty space in the right pane and select “New” > “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
  2. Name it “MaxCmds” (without quotes).
  3. Double-click “MaxCmds” to edit its value.
  4. Set the “Value data” to a larger number (e.g., 50).
  5. Click “OK.”

Step 5: Restart Your Computer

  1. Close the Registry Editor.
  2. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

These registry modifications aim to keep the network drive connection alive for a longer duration and increase the number of commands that can be sent to the server simultaneously.

Remember, making incorrect changes in the Registry can lead to system instability or errors. If you are uncomfortable with editing the Registry or are unsure about specific values to use, it’s advisable to seek assistance from a knowledgeable individual or your organization’s IT support team.

IT helpdesk


Q1: Why do network drives keep disconnecting in Windows?

A1: Network drives can disconnect due to various reasons, including network interruptions, power-saving settings, idle timeouts, driver issues, or misconfigurations.

Q2: What is the purpose of adjusting the “KeepConn” value in the Registry?

A2: Modifying the “KeepConn” value in the Registry helps maintain network connections for a specified duration, preventing them from disconnecting due to inactivity.

Q3: What does the “Size” Registry value adjustment do?

A3: The “Size” value determines the number of outstanding network requests that can be simultaneously sent to a server. Increasing this value can improve network drive stability.

Q4: How does adjusting the “MaxCmds” Registry value help with network drive disconnects?

A4: The “MaxCmds” value controls the maximum number of outstanding commands that can be sent to a server. Increasing this value can improve the performance and reliability of network drives.

Q5: Are there any risks associated with modifying the Windows Registry?

A5: Yes, editing the Windows Registry can be risky. Incorrect changes may lead to system instability or errors. It’s crucial to back up the Registry and be cautious when making modifications.

Q6: Do these Registry changes apply to both Windows 10 and Windows 11?

A6: Yes, the Registry modifications described in the troubleshooting guide apply to both Windows 10 and Windows 11, as they share similar networking settings.

Q7: Are there other troubleshooting steps to consider if Registry changes don’t resolve the issue?

A7: Yes, if Registry changes don’t work, you should also check network hardware, update network adapter drivers, and consult IT support for further assistance, as there may be infrastructure issues beyond your control.

Q8: Can I revert Registry changes if they don’t resolve the problem or cause issues?

A8: Yes, you can revert Registry changes by opening the Registry Editor, navigating to the affected keys/values, and either deleting them or setting them back to their original values. Always backup the Registry before making changes to easily restore it if needed.

Q9: Should I consult with IT support before making Registry changes?

A9: It’s advisable to consult with IT support or someone knowledgeable about Windows Registry if you’re uncertain about making Registry modifications, as incorrect changes can impact system stability.

Q10: Do I need administrative privileges to make Registry changes?

A10: Yes, you typically need administrative privileges to make changes to the Windows Registry. Be sure to run the Registry Editor as an administrator when making modifications.

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