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Disk Space full

Computer Running Out of Storage

Computer Running Out of Storage

Quick Fix:

On Windows 11 Computer

Go to the system – Scroll down to Storage

Click on Storage Sense

You can choose Automatic User content cleanup


Schedule it


Pick the options such as your cloud storage data cleanup in case if it is taking any disk space on your system.

Once selected all the options simply “RUN Storage Sense Now”


The Old School Way Method:

  • Click on the Start button
  • Type Disk Cleanup to open the utility
  • Select the Disk drive “most commonly it is the “C” drive”
  • Select all the option that is un-needed
  • Hit “OK” to delete all the unnecessary files



If your computer is running out of storage space, there are several steps you can take to free up space and optimize storage usage:

  1. Delete Unnecessary Files: Start by identifying and deleting any files that are no longer needed. This includes old documents, downloads, temporary files, and unused applications. Be sure to check the Recycle Bin or Trash folder as well, as deleted files may still be taking up space there.
  2. Clear Cache and Temporary Files: Many applications
  3.  store temporary files and cache data on your computer, which can consume a significant amount of storage over time. Use disk cleanup tools or the settings within each application/browser to clear these files and free up space.
  4. Move Files to External Storage: Consider moving large files, such as photos, videos, and music, to an external hard drive or cloud storage service. This offloads the storage burden from your computer while still allowing you to access the files when needed.
  5. Uninstall Unused Programs: Review the list of installed programs on your computer and uninstall any applications that you no longer use. This will not only free up storage space but also help improve system performance.
  6. Use Storage Management Tools: Operating systems often have built-in storage management tools that can help you identify and manage storage-hogging files and folders. For example, on Windows, you can use the Disk Cleanup tool or the Storage Sense feature. On macOS, you can use the Storage Management tool.
  7. Compress Files and Folders: If you have large files or folders that you still need to keep on your computer, consider compressing them into a smaller archive format (e.g., ZIP). This can significantly reduce their storage footprint without losing the data.
  8. Streamline Cloud Storage: If you use cloud storage services, review the files and folders you have stored there. Delete any unnecessary files or consider archiving older files to free up space in the cloud.
  9. Upgrade Storage Hardware: If you’ve followed the above steps and still require more storage, you may need to consider upgrading your computer’s storage hardware. This could involve installing a larger internal hard drive or adding an external storage device.

Remember to regularly perform these steps to maintain optimal storage usage and prevent your computer from running out of space again in the future.

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